Ensuring your tires are in good shape is an important step in the vehicle’s performance and your safety on the road. So we suggest you check your tires on a regular basis to make sure they work properly, especially when you often drive long distances or drive over rough roads.
Tire Tread and Overall Condition Inspection
Penny Test
You should check with your tire tread in deep timely and decide whether it's time to change your tires.
1.66mm or deeper | Good |
1.6mm | Replace Tires Soon |
1.6mm or less | Replace Tires Now |
You may simply check by inserting a penny into your tire's tread groove with Lincoln's head upside down. If you can see all of Lincoln's head you will need to replace your tire.
Tread Wear Indicator
The treadwear indicators are located inside the tread groove. Normally you can't see them as they are deep inside the groove. If they become visible, it's time for you to replace your tire.
Tire Sidewall Cracks
Except for tire surface cracks, sidewall cracks need more of your attention. Sidewall cracks can easily lead to exposure. If you find severe cracks you need to replace your tire. Meanwhile, shallow cracks may not be an immediate concern, but sometimes cracks can get worse in no time.
Bubble in Sidewall
If you find the presence of a bubble in the sidewall, we suggest you take immediate action and visit the dealership. A bubble in the sidewall tire indicates the thin sidewall piles are keeping the tire from a blowout. Tire exposure at highway speed could cause a severe safety concern. So we strongly suggest you address it immediately.
Tire Pressure Inspection
Properly inflated tires could reduce wear and bring more stability and safety. So remember to check your tire pressure regularly as well. First, find your car's recommended tire pressure, which is listed in the owner's manual. And, unscrew the air valve cap and read the pressure of each tire with a gauge. If you own a Smart Tire Safety Monitor, it'd be easier. Then, fill the tire if its pressure is low, or release the air if it's overinflated.
ZUS Smart Tire Safety Monitor sensors check up
Sensor Caps
If you are using ZUS Tire Safety Monitor, we suggest you regularly check up if your sensor caps still remain in sensors. The caps are for protection usage. Damage or loss will cause sensor defectiveness.
If you find cracked or damaged caps, we suggest you:
a. Change with the replacement cap inside the product package.
b. Contact cs@nonda.us to make a purchase for extra caps.
Sensor Statue
We recommend you unscrew sensors every two weeks especially during winter. Because antioxidation coating might be scratched during the installation and salt spread in snow would trigger the oxidation reaction.
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