Your gas expense calculation does not have to be complicated to check each number so carefully every time. No need to keep a pen with the notebook, now, a new feature is designed to help keep an easy calculation and record of your gas expense on every trip.
Go to the Mileage page > Tap the settings icon on the top right corner > Tap Costs Reports > Tap the settings icon on the top right corner
Then you will be led to the Costs Settings page. After entering your fuel consumption per mile/kilometer, and the fuel price per gallon/liter, the cost of every trip will be calculated automatically, you can check it on the trip details page.
And back to the Costs Reports page, you might have noticed that it's also a new feature. Yes, we've grouped the record of the trip costs together and made it a chart for you to have a direct insight of the expenses on fuel, parking fee and tolls.
P.S. We're sorry to say that the iOS users may have to wait for more days to unlock this feature in the next version. Please just stay tuned.
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