If you ever find the directions on the compass or distance are inaccurate, please check the last parking time first, see if it’s the latest one. If it’s not, please refer to this troubleshooting guide.
Why my last parking location was wrong?
If you are 100% sure that it is your last parking, you may need to check the following situations.
First, the inaccuracy may be caused by the weak GPS signal in the area where you park. For instance, places like an underground parking lot, multi-story parking lot, and areas/spaces surrounded by tall buildings. In such circumstances, the location info we obtained via your phone’s GPS may not be accurate enough. In addition to this, the GPS signal limited itself to a range of 5 meters in regards to accuracy, there might well be positioning errors even when you can see that the GPS signal is good.
Second, there might be some error with your phone’s compass. In some cases, the compass of your phone may also have certain errors. You may need to re-calibrate your phone’s compass from time to time. It is recommended that you hold the phone and make a figure of eight to calibrate the compass. After calibration, the direction and distance will be more accurate.
All that being said, the Car Finder relies heavily on GPS positioning, and as we said in the paragraphs above, the GPS system itself may have some error or another, Car Finder can not be very accurate.
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